
Start a 4-weeks journey and discover a universe of modern teaching methods and instruments for engaging classroom

The course is prepared by System Engineering group of Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT)

About the Course

It is an online course for all interested in modern educational technologies and tools for keeping audience motivated and engaged. The course is specifically designed for teachers and staff of higher education institutions.

The course consists of 4 modules:

  1. Introduction and Trends in course development

  2. Synchronous V Asynchronous teaching. Tools for synchronous classroom

  3. Asynchronous Teaching. Tools for asynchronous classroom

  4. Course administration and management

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course learners will be able to:

  1. Discuss various forms of educational process organization

  2. Apply techniques of flipped classroom design to their course

  3. Differentiate and select tools for content creation

  4. Create engaging content for their courses

Course Elements

  • Video Lectures on

  • Supportive text materials

  • Zoom seminars every Thursday at 15.00 EEST

  • 3 Homeworks

  • Quizzes

  • Certificate upon successful course completion

Register for the Course

This is a registration form for the course Digital Teaching in University Environment. You will receive confirmation of registration to your email. By submitting this form you agree to receive updates about the course.

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Course Team

Leonid Chechurin, Professor of Industrial Management Department of LUT University

Anastasia Chakir, PhD Student of Industrial Management Department of LUT University

Olga Kryuchkova, MSc student of Global Management of Innovation and Technology program

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